Task Failed Successfully
18 05 23 — 11 06 23
Henry Drake
Yan Pavlik
David Stearn
Vernissage le 18 mai dès 18h
Performance à 20h
Communiqué de presse
Task failed successfully
Du 18 mai au 11 juin 2023
Henry Drake, Yan Pavlik et David Stearn
Vernissag ele 18 mai 2023
Perfomance à 19h
Les oeuvres créées pour l’exposition Task Failed Successfully explorent et questionnent la signification de l’échec, transformant ce dernier en un résultat en soi ou encore comme un état de fait. Ainsi, les productions examinent les conséquences d’un jeu qui se libère de ses propres règles et le prix qui en découle. Cette nouvelle intention nous permet d’élargir notre compréhension des objets et des gestes quotidiens qui nous entourent.
Task Failed Successfully est une tentative délibérée de créer une altération momentanée des possibilités offertes par les objets du quotidien. L’exposition repose sur l’idée d’une satire potentielle dans la manière dont les individus occupent l’espace autour des objets, révélant comment nous pouvons être emprisonnés par un design ou une perception. Si la perfection est inaccessible, l’échec est une certitude absolue. Par conséquent, Task Failed Successfully s’approche de cette réalité en permettant les libertés de l’échec et du jeu.
Task failed successfully
18 mai – 11 juin 2023
Mercredi et vendredi de 15h à 17h
Samedi 14h-17h
ou sur rendez-vous: contact@espacelabo.net
Le programme annuel de l’espace Labo a le soutien de la Ville de Genève et de Pro Helvetia
Opening 18th May
Performance at 19:00
Task Failed Successfully @ EspaceLabo, Geneva
Henry Drake, Yan Pavlik and David Stearn
Task Failed Successfully’s artworks explore and revise the meaning of failure, transforming it into a deliberate result or state of existence. This is typically accomplished by scrutinizing the consequences of «playing incorrectly» and the price that comes with it. By reevaluating this intention, it enables us to expand our understanding of how we comprehend the everyday objects and gestures that surround us.
Task Failed Successfully is a deliberate attempt to create a space for the momentary perversion of the designed affordances of everyday objects. The show is driven by the notion that it is not the object’s surroundings that constitutes its potential satire, but the way in which the people occupy the space differently which reveals to us how we may be imprisoned by a design or mode of perception. If perfection is unattainable then failure is an absolute certainty. Therefore, Task Failed Successfully is a chance to embrace this reality and relish in the generosity and freedoms of failure and play.
Task Failed Successfully @ EspaceLabo, Genève
Task failed successfully
18 mai – 18 juin 2023
Wednesday – Friday 3pm – 7pm
or by appointement
Henry Drake is a Swiss-British Artist based in London working primarily in sculpture. His interests revolve around material explorations and novel means of artistic collaboration. As the founding member of the Geneva-based artist-run-space LIMBO in 2019, Henry acquired experience curating and organising exhibitions and regular happenings.
After stepping away from LIMBO in 2021 and moving to London, Henry’s artistic activities have been focused on the design and development of tools dedicated to metal fabrication. Henry’s intention is to develop tools that provide artists with a particular language of making and manipulating metal wire. Currently Henry is using the tools to navigate the boundaries between industrially produced and hand crafted objects. His ambitions are to share the designs of his tools and seeing what sculptural outcomes arise once they find themselves in the hands of other artists.
A game can be seen as a way of approaching a problem, an opportunity to provide different perspectives on how to think about a function, define a rule, action or object or express a thought. This group exhibition brings together the practices of 3 artists whose work questions notions of play and the meaning conceived behind the objects and gestures involved in playful acts. The exhibition will be composed of performances and sculptures that will evolve throughout the exhibition. The fact that 2 artists are based in London will result in new ways of supervising and participating in the exhibition remotely at certain times during the exhibition period.
Artist biographies:
David Stearn (UK, 1987): Stearn graduated from the RCA in sculpture in 2017 and is a London-based artist working through sculpture and performance. His work exists as a mockery, of in-continuity, of the love for excessive embellishment and the point of self-execution at which a single idea can go so far as to exist at the highest degree of precision, consideration for detail and still exist as a mere gesture with all the connotations of futility and self-deprecation.
Henry Drake (CH, 1995) A graduate of HEAD in Geneva, is a sculptor who lives and works in London, UK. His practice revolves around the idea that each object contains a unique alphabet of materials, constructions and intentions that can be decoded and rearranged into different forms for different meanings.
Yan Pavlik (CH, 1995) is an artist from the Czech Republic who currently lives and works between Lausanne and Geneva. I asked a close friend whose writing I appreciate to write about my practice: «There is no medium that limits you, at least for now. The method is not the substance, and what is the substance anyway? The recipe for a simple dish – not an easy one – consists of a slight paradox of ordinarities. A ceramic paper plane crashes to the ground. A banker runs down the streets with his briefcase. Above all, it has to be simple, and good-natured. You have fun replacing the word art by game, it’s all about the look after all. And for it to be ‘beautiful’ it must be curious.» (A. Normand)».
La programmation annuelle a le soutien de la Ville de Genève et de Pro Helvetia

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